En el sector inmobiliario hay muchas opciones para la comercialización de propiedades, sobre todo para captar el interés de los posibles compradores.

En general, se trata de estrategias de venta, que se enmarcan dentro de amplio mundo del marketing de inmuebles, que tiene como principal objetivo incrementar las compraventas y potenciar los objetivos de las personas mediante este tipo de activo.

Una de ellas es la utilización de recorridos virtuales, los cuales permiten que los clientes tengan experiencias inmersivas respecto a las propiedades que desean adquirir.

En esa opción y otras tantas destaca GRUPO PREIC, un conglomerado de servicios profesionales con casi dos décadas de experiencia en el mercado, especialmente en las áreas de bienes raíces, administración de propiedades y valuación de activos, entre otras.

Innovación en la comercialización de propiedades

En un contexto marcado por la digitalización y los avances tecnológicos, el sector inmobiliario se adaptó al mismo para ofrecer servicios ajustados a las necesidades de los clientes más exigentes del mercado.

Una evidencia de ello son los tours virtuales que se utilizan como estrategia de marketing inmobiliario para captar el interés del público y potenciar las posibles ventas.

Ese es el enfoque que tienen en GRUPO PREIC que ofrece dicha posibilidad a través de la sección beneficios en su plataforma integrada de servicios inmobiliarios.

Actualmente, los usuarios pueden acceder a diversos tipos de inmuebles, que son presentados inicialmente con un video de corta duración. Cabe destacar que el tour virtual brinda un recorrido completo a nivel interior y exterior de las propiedades, con lo cual las personas pueden tener una visión completa del sitio.

Diferentes propiedades

En líneas generales, los tours virtuales representan una herramienta de alto valor para los agentes inmobiliarios y quienes desean adquirir una propiedad, debido a que favorecen a la estrategia de venta y posibilitan una difusión mucho más expansiva que el formato tradicional.

Los mismos han posibilitado que muchas empresas opten por desarrollar la asistencia virtual, al tiempo que trabajan mucho más con enfoques personalizados para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes.

Una de las opciones que ofrece GRUPO PREIC es la visita a un Apartamento para familias en Buenaventura. El recorrido es integral y contempla diversas salas, entre habitación, living, comedor y balcón, entre otras.

También se puede disfrutar de otras opciones como la Suite en Coronado con vista a la cancha de golf, Apartamento panorámico con vista a toda la ciudad en Obarrio, Casa con lote de más de mil metros en Camino de Cruces, uno Condo remodelado en Playa Blanca y una Oficina Corporativa en Obarrio, entre otras.

Innovación, experiencia y compromiso con los clientes son algunas de las cuestiones que resaltan el trabajo diario de GRUPO PREIC y la posicionan como un grupo económico de prestigio a nivel nacional e internacional, atrayendo clientes a Panamá de todas partes del mundo.


Arturo Enrique Miranda Castillo, Identity Number 8-770-274, Licensed Lawyer No. 13755 issued by the General Business Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, has a natural person registration No. 0314 as AUTHORIZED LOCAL CUSTODIAN… according to Agreement No. 1048 of November 24, 2015 issued by the General Business Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, Judicial Branch of the Republic of Panama, in accordance with Law 47 of August 6, 2013, modified by Law 18 of 23 of April 2015.

Arturo Enrique Miranda Castillo, has registration No. 1391 to exercise Conciliation and Mediation, issued by the Office of Alternative Resolution of Conflicts, of the Ministry of Government of the Republic of Panama, fulfilling all the requirements of Law 16 of June 17, 2016. He satisfactorily culminated the Mediation and/or Conciliation Training Program, pursuant to Executive Decree No. 777 of December 21, 2007, granted by the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of Panama (CeCAP).

Arturo Enrique Miranda Castillo, has in his personal capacity an Investment Banking resolution No. 574245845 issued by the General Directorate of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Panama. It includes other activities auxiliary to financial services, investment advisor (real estate) and commission agent services. His services do not include the offering of public securities and/or advice on listed securities and/or brokerage or sale of securities, instruments and/or quoted financial contracts or other similar ones.

Arturo Enrique Miranda Castillo, has in his personal capacity his Financial Advisor resolution No. 107709 issued by the General Directorate of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Panama. It includes the activities of administration of financial markets, other activities auxiliary to financial services activities, fund management activities, advisory services, consultancies and project designs, and investment advisor (real estate).

Arturo Enrique Miranda Castillo, has in his personal capacity his Appraisal resolution No. 611253 issued by the General Directorate of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Panama. It includes the activities of appraiser of movable and immovable property.

GRUPO PREIC CORP. with registration certificate no. 253770, through resolution 1413, issued by the General Directorate of the Registry of Industrial Property of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, possesses the exclusive use of the trademark registration of GRUPO PREIC CORP. and design, according to Article 94 of Law No. 35 of May 10, 1996.

GRUPO PREIC CORP. includes 7% of ITBMS (Transfer Tax on Movable Property and Services) on all commissions for services rendered, as established by Law 8 of March 15, 2010 and Law 61 of December 26, 2002.

GRUPO PREIC CORP. is Real Estate Brokerage, Financial Consulting & Advisory, Engineering and Architecture group of companies and affiliates registered, regulated and supervised by Intendence of Supervision and Regulation of NFSs, ascribed to the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The assets or listings are obtained through external suppliers or third-party natural and/or legal persons. This website is owned by GRUPO PREIC CORP. and is for informational and illustrative use only and for advertising purposes. GRUPO PREIC CORP. is not responsible or guarantees the results obtained through the use of this page by its Users and any electronic communication derived from it..

Any of the assets or listings are from external suppliers or from third-party natural and/or legal persons and should not be interpreted as investment or tax advice, nor as a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular asset or listing and consequently neither GRUPO PREIC CORP. nor its subsidiaries, affiliates, associated or related entities, nor their respective shareholders, directors, officers, representatives, attorneys, administrators, executives, advisors, agents or employees guarantee or assure satisfactory results and, consequently, the activities that are made by the Users are for their own account and at their own risk. The Users accept and acknowledge that they have knowledge of the information and risks of the transaction they are carrying out, for which reason they expressly exonerate GRUPO PREIC CORP. from any losses incurred in said transaction. Additionally, GRUPO PREIC CORP. declares that such transactions are carried out under the principles of impartiality, good faith, transparency, on the basis that the User assumes the risk and putting the interests of the User before those of GRUPO PREIC CORP.